Monforts Thermasol Machine
Working Width: 1600 mm. Roller Width: 1800 mm. Year: 1990. Padder, infared drying. 2 chamber drying. Plaiter at the exit. Oil Heated. Installed and stopped on mill floor.
1 in stock
Monforts Thermasol Machine
Working Width: 1600 mm. Roller Width: 1800 mm. Year: 1990. Padder, infared drying. 2 chamber drying. Plaiter at the exit. Oil Heated. Installed and stopped on mill floor.
Monforts Thermasol Machine
Working Width: 1600 mm. Roller Width: 1800 mm. Year: 1990. Padder, infared drying. 2 chamber drying. Plaiter at the exit. Oil Heated. Installed and stopped on mill floor.
Fongs Fabric Dyeing Machines 250Kgs Capacity
Type: TOWEL-38-1T. Year: 2007-2008. Capacity: 250kg. No of ports: 1. Max temp: 97 deg. Nozzle size: standard overflow nozzle. Complete with 2 addition tanks. readily available for delivery.
Thies i-Master Fabric Dyeing Machines
1 machine Capacity: 400 kg. Year: 2013. Type: i-Master 140/2 PL, No. of Spindles: 2. Setex T858 programmer. Elect: 3ph/400v/50Hz. Connected Load: 24Kw.
1 x machine Capacity: 800 kg. Year: 2012. Type: i-Master 140/4 PL, No. of Spindles: 4. Setex T858 programmer. Elect: 3ph/400v/50Hz. Connected Load: 49Kw
Installed and in running condition. Delivery: Immediate.