
Toyoda RX300 Ring Spinning Frames with Pinter Lycra Attachment


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Toyoda RX300 Ring Spinning Frames with Pinter Lycra Attachment

Year: 2013. Model: RX300F2-1008. No. of Spindles: 1008, Drafting: Toyoda E Draft with FYSD, Lift: 7 inch, With Auto doffer. Equipped with Pinter Core Yarn Lycra Attachment Year: 2016. Operational on floor with ready delivery.

Toyoda RX300 Ring Spinning Frames with Pinter Lycra Attachment

Year: 2013. Model: RX300F2-1008. No. of Spindles: 1008, Drafting: Toyoda E Draft with FYSD, Lift: 7 inch, With Auto doffer. Equipped with Pinter Core Yarn Lycra Attachment Year: 2016. Operational on floor with ready delivery.


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SKU: SA030624RRT Categories: ,



